Oral Health And Your Overall Health

While your eyes are the windows to your soul, your mouth is the window to your overall health. Your mouth or oral health for that matter reveals the true condition of your entire body. By understanding the connection between the mouth and other body parts, you can protect yourself from potential health dangers. Dubbed as the oral systemic connection, medical experts use this as means to identify disease, drug addiction dehydration, malnutrition and even stress among their patients.

There are at least seven major diseases that can be deduced from poor conditions of the mouth. They are endocarditis or infection of the inner lining of the heart; cardiovascular diseases; premature birth or low birth weight; diabetes; AIDS; Osteoporosis and Alzheimer’s disease. Having cavities is the primary symptom of most of these diseases. See your dentist if you have cavities to make sure that they have not reflect any these diseases yet. Also, make sure to ask or look for proper dental treatment for your cavities.

Whether or not your oral condition signals more serious ailments however, taking care of your oral health is still important. To do this, begin by observing good oral hygiene. Make it a habit to brush your teeth two to three times daily. Don’t forget to floss. Sometimes, regular brushing and flossing are not enough to remove deep-seated dirt on your gums and teeth. Schedule regular check-ups and teeth cleaning with your dentist to keep your gums and teeth healthy. Do this even before you experience any dental problem.  

Do you eat a lot junk food? You better cut your junk food consumption today for the sake of your oral health. Eat a healthy diet daily and stay away from sugary snacks. As much as possible, limit your food intake during mealtimes only. Snacks in between meals cause tooth decay.

Overall Health & Wellbeing - The Oral Systemic Connection

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