Five Best Tips to Eliminate Risk of Alzheimer's

Alzheimer's is an emotionally painful disease that shatters many families. It is a terminal disease that progresses over time. As it progresses, symptoms of forgetfulness and dementia worsen until an individual loses every aspect of personal autonomy. In some cases, its sufferers become unable to carry out conversations.

Some medical researchers believe that a person's risk of acquiring the disease can be decreased through the consumption of certain kinds of food and observation of a healthier lifestyle. Results related to this study is published in The Journal of the Alzheimer's Association.

Aromatherapy - In some clinical trials, patients were treated with the use of lemon and lavender balms. These balms were reported to be effective in relaxing the the excessive motor behavior or nervousness of the patients.

Avocado - This fruit is dubbed as the healthiest food for the brain. According to Dr. Daniel Amen, avocado is rich in folate which prevents brain tangles and reduces inflammation that attacks certain neurons.

B-complex vitamins - Surveys show that Alzheimer’s sufferers experience deficiency in Vitamin B12. This vitamin provides healthy nerves and red blood cells for the entire body. Lack of B-12 and B-complex can cause memory loss at any age. By eating eggs, fish and poultry, you can increase the supply of these vitamins in your body.

Coconut oil - Coconut oil contains ketone bodies or medium-chain triglycerides which are responsible for fueling the brain and the body. People afflicted with Alzheimer’s need these because their body’s ability to produce insulin that will aid formation of glucose (which will be used by the brain) has already changed.

Fasting - Fasting every other day allows the presence of healthy responses in the brain. Neuroscientist Mark Mattson of the U.S. Institute of Aging says, "suddenly dropping your food intake dramatically, cutting it by at least half for a day or so, triggers protective processes in the brain." When an individual fasts, or stops eating for a period of time, the body begins to change the way it converts energy. Buildup of plaque in the arteries and blood stream which leads to the brain happens when the food consumed for the day were not burned and converted to energy.

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